Thank you for your interest in setting up an accounting system for your business. To better understand your needs and estimate the time required, please provide the following information:
1. Business Information
- Business Name:
- Type of Business (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation):
- Number of Locations (if applicable):
2. Current Financial Status
- Are you currently using any accounting software? (If yes, please specify)
- Do you have historical financial data that needs to be migrated? (Yes/No)
- If yes, please briefly describe the data and its format.
3. Complexity of Operations
- Briefly describe your business operations and any unique financial considerations:
4. Number of Products or Services
- How many different products or services does your business offer?
- Are there any specific inventory or pricing considerations for these products/services?
5. Reporting and Customization Needs
- Do you have specific reporting requirements or customization preferences for the accounting system?
6. User Familiarity
- Are you or your team already familiar with any accounting software? (If yes, please specify)
- How comfortable are you with using technology and accounting software on a scale of 1 (novice) to 5 (expert)?
7. Assistance Preferences
- Do you plan to set up the accounting system yourself, or would you prefer professional assistance?
- If you prefer professional assistance, please specify any particular requirements or expectations.
8. Timeline
- When do you aim to have the accounting system fully operational?
9. Additional Comments
- Please provide any additional comments or information you think would be helpful.
10. Contact Information
- Name:
- Email Address:
- Phone Number:
11. Preferred Method of Contact
- How would you like us to get in touch with you to discuss your accounting system setup needs? (Email/Phone)
12. Consent
- I consent to having my information collected and used for the purpose of estimating the time required for setting up the accounting system.
[ ] Yes, I consent.
This questionnaire will help us assess your requirements and provide you with a more accurate estimate of the time and resources needed for setting up your accounting system. Thank you for your cooperation.